Gregory Horror Show Wiki

A double campaign for Gregory Horror Show is launched on Kickstarter! It will be focusing on the English version of Soul of Roses (a rougelite game) and a pilot film of Hell's Restaurant featuring Hell's Chef & Junior (Hell's Chef's son).

If you like Gregory Horror Show and want to see more of it, please spread this and support!


Gregory Horror Show Wiki

Wow... this wiki is much older then I thought it was... I wonder when it was last touched or edited... 20:49, March 29, 2013 (UTC) I've been trying to bring it back up and I've been updating it avidly. It's probably just because it's based on an obscure franchise.

Where can I find Orthographic Images (Front, Side Profile) for Gregory Horror Show characters to model in Maya? 15:34, September 28, 2015 (UTC)DL
