Gregory Horror Show Wiki

A double campaign for Gregory Horror Show is launched on Kickstarter! It will be focusing on the English version of Soul of Roses (a rougelite game) and a pilot film of Hell's Restaurant featuring Hell's Chef & Junior (Hell's Chef's son).

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Gregory Horror Show Wiki

Room 104 is a guest room in Gregory Horror Show: Soul Collector and is Catherine's room. She spends surprisingly little time in it considering it would be a good place to ambush the main character.


The player must sneak into her room while she's out in order to get Gregory's Dirty Book which aids in getting Judgement Boy's soul.


Along the north wall is a wardrobe you may hide in and a desk which serves little purpose other than occasionally having medicines to offer when knocked on.

The south wall has her bed. Knocking on it will give the message, "It's slightly warm". It is unknown whether or not this is referring to the bed itself or the patch of blood just beneath it.


It is located along the ground floor west hallway next to Room 103. It is also close to the Fortune Telling Room and Library.


For a more detailed explanation, see page: Item Locations

  • Dirty Book (it will be found here for the first time, after that it will be in the Storeroom)
  • Sedative
  • Bandage
  • Chinese Remedy


  • There is a picture frame on the wall. In it is an image with text reading "GIVE BLOOD". The font is too small to read.
  • She has pictures of Hell's Chef in her room as well as a chef shaped candle (or this may be in her office).

